GCH CH/CDN CH Hurricane Lloyd, TKN, BCAT ACT-1. He's averaging 14 MPH over 100 yards, which placed him as the #3 fastest pug in the United States as of July 2020. He is the highest rated pug in Fast CAT with a conformation title.
GCH Heuberg's Hurricane Lloyd, BCAT, his jump height at the Oriole Dog Training Club Agility Trials, ACT1 placed second in his jump height at the Oriole Dog Training Club Agility Trials in January, 2021. He completed his run with a perfect score of 100.
Grnd CH/CDN CH Heubergs Hurricane Lloyd TKN, BCAT, ACT-1. He's averaging 14 MPH over 100 yards, which placed him as the #3 fastest pug in the United States as of July 2020. He is the highest rated pug in Fast CAT with a conformation title
GCH Heuberg's Hurricane Lloyd, BCAT, his jump height at the Oriole Dog Training Club Agility Trials, ACT1 placed second in his jump height at the Oriole Dog Training Club Agility Trials in January, 2021. He completed his run with a perfect score of 100.